To all our Northcote ODC members
On Saturday 10th December we will be holding our annual Christmas Breakup funday
with activities commencing at the special time of 11.30am (in case we get a hot day!!)
There will be NO normal training on this day
We ask you to arrive at 11.15am to register and receive your free ‘raffle/door prize’ ticket
To assist us with catering requirements please book into Eventbrite – :
This will reopen Saturday 3rd Dec but will close Wednesday 7th at 5pm
Come and join in the fun with your furry friend.
Simon Says, Musical Mats, Egg and Spoon race and not to mention Poo in the Bucket !!!
Also, who is the fastest ?
Activity ring will be set up for jumps, weaving and tunnels
Come dressed in your Christmas gear, but most importantly don’t forget to dress your best friend
for the doggy fashion parade with prizes for the best dressed dog and the Waggiest tail
There will be time to dress your dog after the activities
Free Sausage Sizzle and Refreshments
Come and celebrate the end of our training year
Training for 2023 will commence on Saturday 4th February