NODC – Northcote Obedience Dog Club
Family Friendly & Low Cost Classes
Obedience Training
So you want to train your dog? We can show you how!
Northcote Obedience Dog Club inc. was founded in 1988 and is proud of its family-like atmosphere, catering for all non-restricted breeds of dogs and ages of people. The club is a not-for-profit organisation, conducted entirely by volunteers, giving freely of their time and knowledge.
NODC’s main aim is to teach you how to train your dog through obedience training. Our team of qualified instructors will teach you to train your dog from basic obedience through to trial and competition level.
All Northcote Obedience Dog Club Classes are held on Saturday afternoons in Alphington Park, Parkview Road, Alphington.
Training in 2025
**Note – New member applications are now closed and will re-open on Saturday the 25th of January 2025 at 11:30am.**
New member registrations / Normal Classes
New member registrations are from 12:15pm to 12:30pm.
Refer to About Us for membership fee details. Our Membership Form can be downloaded here.
A current vaccination certificate is required.
Existing members
We have implemented an online booking system.
You cannot attend a class unless you are a member and have booked. Please refer to the link in the email sent to members from the NDOC Secretary or Contact Us for further details.
New class times
Induction and Foundation 1:00 PM
Classes 1 & 5 2:15 PM
Classes 2, 3 & 4 3:15 PM